Saturday, July 27, 2013

Aidan & Kalen - May 28 ~ June 21, 2013 - The Butterfly Project

may/28/2013 - we received 5 very hungry caterpillars in the post

june/3/2013 - they were so hungry that they ate and ate and ate. they doubled in size everyday

june/6/2013 - the caterpillars climbed to the top to get ready to form into chrysalises

june/10/2013 - chrysalises were formed and were transferred into a net while they undergo metamorphosis

june/14/2013 - butterflies emerged from the chrysalises

june/16/2013 - dripping nectar (sugar water) on fresh fruits and flower for the butterflies

june/17/2013 - the butterflies were getting stronger and were flying around in the net more frequently

june/21/2013 - the butterflies were released in a sunny allotment filled with flowers

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